Other Hansab Group companies Ando Noormets CEO Hansab IT Solutions Ando.Noormets@hansab.ee +372 514 3363 Tex Vertmann Smart Cards & Personalization, COO tex.vertmann@hansab.ee +372 526 7070 Gatis Romanovskis Hansab SIA Managing Director gatis.romanovskis@hansab.lv Kristo Timberg Hansab AS Managing Director kristo.timberg@hansab.ee +372 605 9800 Darius Žekonis Hansab UAB Managing Director darius.zekonis@hansab.lt +37052058800 Alar Alumaa CEO of Ellore A software development company, responsible for development, integration and services of payment systems. alar.alumaa@ellore.ee +372 6059813 Rainer Saaron Hansab AS Sales and Marketing Director rainer.saaron@hansab.ee +372 605 9800