Why Use Bollards?

Hansab’s partner ATG Access has created an overview of how and why it is good to use bollards when speaking about physical security on the streets. With over 20 years of experience in the manufacture and design of bollard systems ATG Access has an unsurpassed list of offerings.

Bollards are one of the only choices for pedestrian friendly protection from vehicle attack. They are simple yet strong barriers which may be fixed, removable, or telescopic.  Different aesthetics may be applied through the use of various coatings and sleeves to allow the barriers to be part of the holistic design of the site.

Simple applications such as kerb-side bollards can provide safety to pedestrians from traffic.  Automatic bollards can safely operate in the pubic highway or outside building entrances to provide secure, low maintenance access control which can be integrated with standalone, local network or large scale traffic or building management systems.

Bollards are extremely safe for pedestrians and still provide access for cyclists.  High security bollards are capable of stopping cars and trucks at high speed to maintain a secure perimeter.  For areas with very high pedestrian flow, bollards provide the best way to provide security with pedestrian permeability making them the first choice for entrance at Airports, Stadiums, Skyscraper buildings and commercial areas to name just a few.

In Hansab’s product range you will find shallow foundation bollards, Superslim bollards, telescopic bollards, fast acting bollards, bollards which can operate without power, bollards with flashing lights, small bollards for parking protection or residential use and even intelligent bollards.

See our products:http://www.hansab.com/en/bollards-and-vehicle-barriers
