Connecting people to services with our innovative customer journey management solutions, smart queue management systems, and user-friendly apps and software.
Contact usKeeping people connected to services
Providing the best tools and solutions for connecting people to services is at the heart of what we do. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are all facing new situations in our everyday lives. Social distancing and meticulous hand hygiene have become important rules to live by. For how long we don’t know. But what we do know, is that people will still need to get connected to services.
The mobile ticket is a browser-based solution, hence available to everyone with a smartphone. Taking a mobile ticket is as easy as scanning a QR code. By posting the QR code on your front door you make it possible for visitors to take their tickets without even entering your premises. A visitor may then wait in for example his or her car, comfortably monitoring queue progress. That way, a visitor can wait until just before their number is up before entering the waiting area.
For visitors that check in with Concierge, there is an option to provide a mobile phone number for getting a text message with a link to a mobile ticket.
A smart appointment scheduling system for better customer experience and efficiencies
Hansab Cloud Appointments gives your customers the ability to book more than one resource. They can choose to meet with a specific staff member, in a particular meeting room, with any other available equipment required for the appointment.
Provide a safer shopping experience by reducing crowds and lines with virtual queuing solutions
Book a store visit Qmatic's retail scheduling system is an easy and convenient way for customers to directly book their next store visit or curbside pickup on your website. Embed on your website with its intuitive interface, customers can easily book, reschedule, or cancel appointments online from your website and at a day and time that suites them best. Pre-booked appointments offer your customers convenience, reduce wait times, and create a better and safer customer experience.
Regardless of whether you need a system for smooth queue management or a robust platform for omnichannel customer journey management.
Take care of your visitors already before they arrive - with Orchestra 7 you can offer both online appointment booking and mobile tickets. Once on your premises you may opt to allow for check-in via a self-service kiosk, a reception or offer both and let your visitor decide which method to use. Finally, when the visit is over, Orchestra 7 also lets you reach out and ask for customer feedback in order for you to learn more and stay in touch with your visitors.
Choose the data that best provides you the ability to stay nimble. From real-time analytics to historical insights, tailor your dashboards to most effectively impact your current operations. Standard Reports - Automated reports offer the most important business metrics, trends and exceptions. Custom Reports - Customize reports for analytics to give you the insights and information that you need for your business. Dashboard - Gain a real-time view of useful, actionable information about how well your operations are working.
This means that we can provide you with anything from an entry-level smart queuing system to advanced solutions for complex queue management. Or, as we like to put it in the latter case, customer journey management.
So, what do we actually mean with an entrylevel queuing system? Basically the typical arrive - take a ticket - keep an eye on the display for called numbers. And, when it’s your turn, follow the signage to your serving counter.
Hansab on meie koostööpartner olnud juba aastakümneid. 2019. aastal alustasime ettevalmistusi koostööks sularahaveo ja –käitlemise valdkonnas. Alates 2020. aasta märtsist teenindabki Hansab osa meie sularahaautomaatide võrgustikust. Koostöö on väga sujuv ja üksteisega arvestav.
Ede Raagmets, Swedbank AS klienditeeninduse divisjoni direktor
Hansabi tugevuseks on kliendikesksus, valmisolek täiustada protsessi nii tehniliselt kui ka korralduslikult, paindlikkus ja teenuse mõistlik hind.
Katrin Kuusk, Selver AS sisekontrolli osakonna juhataja