In the banking industry, security is vital. To ensure that money and valuables are safe at all times, banks must have complete control of their cash handling and distribution processes. Manual processes place banks at risk for operational inefficiencies and inaccurate handling. Automated systems for cash handling and money distribution can minimize these risks in the banking industry and in addition ensure trackability and reliability.
Currency Detectors
The quality of counterfeit euro is steadily rising, and through visual inspection it is often not possible to distinguish right and wrong banknotes. In order to verify the validness of the money we would always recommend to use automatic currency detectors. Eurodetectors checks different security features - magnetic signs, infrared elements, images and watermarks - to detect counterfeit money. You can also check the banknotes with multidetectors, which can control several different currencies.
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Note Counters
With today’s fast growth of electronic banking, it is interesting to note that the amount of cash is still growing. It is inconvenient and inaccurate to count cash manually. We offer the following devices for the faster and more precise handling of cash.
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Coin Counters
The need for coin counters appears if a company has a great coin turnover, counting of coins takes up a considerable part of the day and interferes with the daily work routine. For example, banks, casinos, trade companies, parking companies, etc. Mixing of coin counter with the sorter results in coins counted and sorted according to the nominal values, which can immediately be circulated again.
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Cash Sorters and Bundlers
In order to store and transport great amounts of cash, it needs to be bundled. For this, various coin and note bundling machines are necessary.
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