Hansab invites you to participate in seminar "360° Retail Solutions".

The same time when consumers' expectations to merchants change, technological solutions and services that support best practices must also keep pace. The general direction of the seminar is to share ideas on how to be prepared and possibly one step ahead. We look at best practices from our partners and how to optimize the resources. The seminar is targeted to marketers, development teams, executives and strategic decision makers from the retail sector - we promise useful information for everyone.

Topics and Speakers

Gathering, coffee and breakfast


Rainer Saaron
Sales and Marketing Director at Hansab AS

Payment environment around us and in the future

Teet Puusepp
Bank of Estonia, Head of Payments Policy Division

I will give an overview of the payment habits of Estonians, Estonian payment environment and future directions.
Presentation is in Estonian.

What are the major challenges facing Retail businesses in 2022 and how do our solutions help alleviate them?

Charlie Allen
Glory Global Solutions, Business Engagement Manager (EMEA)

In the first part of his presentation Charlie explores the Perfect Storm of themes such as the changing nature of our Towns & Cities (the “High Street”), the impact of labour shortages, the global energy shock, supply chain difficulties, the tightening of money supply by Central Banks and the effect these are all having on Retail sector.
In the second part he reveals some of the ways the partnership between Glory and Acrelec is successfully supporting Retail businesses weather this Storm to help deliver more automated, streamlined, efficient and sustainable business processes and, of course, vibrant and elevated customer experiences.
Presentation is in English.

The future of automated retail empowered by next-gen vending

Eero Knuutila 
Director, Solution Delivery & Operations at Selfly Store

Eero will discuss the role, realities and supporting trends of unmanned, intelligent retail in the broader retail scene. He will also share some learnings and best practices collected by Selfly Store.
Presentation is in English.

Retail solutions trends and possible solutions to the main challenges that retail companies are facing

Ott Viirmann 
Field Manager of Retail Solutions at Hansab AS

What are the challenges retail companies are facing and how do the solutions Hansab offers support solving the business problems? We’ll talk about trends and give an overview of what we saw at EuroCIS 2022.
Presentation is in Estonian. 


Panel discussion on customer analytics and customer behavior

In the case of an e-shop, it is easy to track how many visitors there are, how much time they spend in the shop, what they are interested in, how they reached the store, etc. What about physical shops? What and how to measure, how to obtain data and what to do with it?
Panel discussion is in Estonian.


Tanel Rebane 
Head of Analytical Alley             



Guido Pärnits 
Director at Ülemiste Shopping Centre

Katre Liiberg 
Head of Sales and Customer Service at Telia Estonia

Teana Baskirtseva 
Capfield OÜ, Center Manager at Nautica and Lasnamäe Centrum

Trends, Possibilities and The Future of Video Surveillance in Retail

Giacomo Monari 
Regional Sales Manager, South-Western Europe & Israel

Augmented awareness is at the helm of securing a better operational margin, and Video combined with multiple data typologies deliver the “third dimension” after numbers and letters which a multitude of stakeholders in the company desire to access for better decision making.
Presentation is in English.

Automating the last mile of e-commerce

Ansi Arumeel
CEO of Retail Robotics

As e-commerce grows, the availability of labor decreases, and environmental awareness increases, so does the need to automate the streamlining of logistics processes. Retail Robotics develops technologies and invests in networks for this purpose. Ansi Arumeel talks about the application of these technologies based on the example in France, where a shared and automated network for food delivery is being set up.
Presentation is in Estonian.


How to create lasting value for customers in a situation where everyone is talking the same thing about the same thing at the same time?

J.Margus Klaar
Co-founder & partner Brand Manual

Service design is a user-centric business development methodology that creates real value for both end customers and the company itself. At the same time, a different approach of service design requires a company to be willing to change. Margus Klaar from the service design company Brand Manual gives examples from both the private and public sectors of how the implementation of service design has created a paradigm shift and helped organizations understand where the real value lies for customers.
Presentation is in Estonian.

The seminar is free of charge. 

If you want to participate in the seminar, please register yourself before 3rd of June via the registration form or e-mail events@hansab.ee. If you need additional information, please contact our Marketing Specialist Britta Kalbach by e-mail britta.kalbach@hansab.ee or phone +372 5885 3467.



The seminar will take place at the Kumu Art Museum, A. Weizenbergi 34, Tallinn, Estonia

Parking info:

Large car park (free of charge) is located next to the museum on Valge Street (Google Maps „KUMU Parkimisplats“). A pedestrian tunnel leads directly from the parking lot to KUMU.