Cash Deposit System to a Public Transport Operator
Tallinna Linnatranspordi AS
Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinna Linnatranspordi AS (TLT) is a Tallinn city owned company mainly providing bus, trolleybus and tram transport services.
In addition to their main activities, drivers have to deal a lot with cash and in order to simplify the process, TLT decided to take cash deposit systems in to use. After finishing their shift, drivers insert their cash register money (both bills and coins) into the deposit machine, which instantly sorts and counts them and issues a reciept. Every driver is identifiable by his/her own code or card. This kind of cash deposit system helps to save time (the procedure takes about 30 seconds) and excludes possible mistakes due to human factor. The data moves into server, there is less cash handling and the process is more convenient and secure.
This solution suits to every company which uses a lot of cash on a daily basis and wishes cash handling to be more simple, convenient and faster.